Sex And Chocolate

Book Review by Willard Manus

Sex and chocolate go together like...well, like sex and chocolate.

Human beings have made the connection for thousands of years, especially the Aztecs who, in 1000 BC, not only invented but worshipped chocolate and used it as an aphrodisiac (Montezuma reputedly drank fifty cups of chocolate before visiting his harem). Cortes brought chocolate to Europe, where the elixir served as the Viagra of its day, recharging rundown libidos.

All of this information--and more--is contained in SEX AND CHOCOLATE, another provocative title from Paycock Press. Edited by Peabody & Lucinda Ebersole--who became notorious at the 1993 Miami Book Fair when they poured chocolate syrup on a Barbie doll to promote their Mondo Barbie anthology--the book contains as many juicy tidbits as a Whitman Sampler.

Thirty-four writers were invited to submit short stories and sketches investigating the symbiotic relationship between sex and chocolate. No restrictions were put on the writers--they could write about any kind of sex, any kind of chcolate. Irreverence and feistiness were encouraged, boldness and originality as well.

The result is a 316-page, handsomely illustrated (by David Perko) book whose contents will make you want to laugh, weep, wince, salivate and even fornicate. Among the superb writers represented are Richard Grayson, Shelley Jackson, Robert Bixby, Jodi Bloom and Anna Geyer. The latter contributes an hilarious fantasy about a sculptor whose John Thomas Candy Co.

specializes in chocolate penises for its gourmet clientele.

SEX AND CHOCOLATE is also chock-a-block with tongue-in-cheek asides, such as: "The average American bathtub can be filled with chocolate pudding, leaving room for two adults, for $125. If adding a third adult, use half as much" and "Chocolate syrup on a lover's nether regions is proof positive of the existence of God."

Contact Paycock Press at 3819 North 13th St, Arlington, VA 22201 or at