Among These Several

BOOK REVIEW by Dean Lonseth

This book by Peggy Aylesworth Levine says to the reader "read me straight through"; when you've finished, lucky reader, you'll say "I'm glad I did". Because you will have been immersed in writing that gives you a special feeling that lasts well after you put the book down.

That "feeling" is a recognition that as you are reading the main characters' dialogue, as often as not an innerdialogue with his or her self, you are in the presence of a writer who not only writes with beautiful language(Ms. Aylsworth is after all best known for her beautiful poetry) but who most importantly fully understands
human psychology.

Though fiction for sure, there is a believability to the characters thoughts, choices and actions.

This book is largely about four characters; their inner thoughts, their relationships to one another, and how they choose to face life as it has placed them in the time-frame of the novel.

But when it veers off to setting a scene the writer's poetic prowess give the book a special bonus. Do read.